Winter 1967 // Volume 5 // Number 4

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Point of View

Point of View(pdf)
Dialogue on Agent Qualifications
Eugene Ross
G.L. Carter
Seminar Scheduled
George D. Russell

Feature Articles

Reaching Youth in Low-Income Areas (pdf)
Norman O. Everson, Jerold W. Apps
To what extent do youth from rural low-income areas participate in voluntary organizations? And what characteristics of these youth are related to their participation? In an attempt to answer these two questions, the authors studied young people in a rural low-income area of Wisconsin-comparing those from lower socioeconomic levels with those from higher levels. In addition to reporting their findings, the authors present recommendations for educational programs attempting to reach these lower socioeconomic rural youth.

The Agent as an Analyst (pdf)
Art Gallaher, Jr.
As a change agent, the Extension worker plays many roles. It has been suggested that the role of analyst is the one role critical to the success of such a change agent. Using case histories of four agents who worked successively in one position, the author shows how-and why-two agents were successful and two were not. He emphasizes that an agent must continually analyze the work environment so as to make relevant definitions of problems and keep informed of the most appropriate role strategies for relating to the client.

Perspectives on Agent Roles (pdf)
Arthur McArthur
Extension is making exciting new thrusts in the area of family-life education. three of these new directions are explored in this article. The author presents some of the methods and programs used to further these new emphases, and challenges Extension personnel as to their roles in the future.

Family-Life Education Potential (pdf)
Mohammed A. Douglah, Peter F. Roycraft
How do low-income farm families perceive poverty and do they relate themselves to it? Are they satisfied with their present condition? Are they willing to change? In an attempt to answer these questions and gain knowledge about the economic, social, and psychological factors that facilitate or hinder change, a study was made of families in a low-farm-income area of Wisconsin. Findings are discussed and suggestions made for Extension personnel working with low-income families.

Power Actors and Social Change (pdf)
Ronald C. Powers
Key individuals in a community power structure can significantly affect community decisions and subsequent social actions. If an adult educator is to enlist the cooperation of these "power actors," he must first identify them. Such an identification technique is presented in this article. The author briefly reviews and appraises the various methods used to determine community power actors, and presents a modified technique that Extension personnel can use to identify power actors in their community.

Research in Brief (pdf)
Mason E. Miller, editor

Young Homemakers Read a Bulletin
Trainees-Do they Learn?
Learning From Showing
Time On Their Hands

Book Reviews (pdf)

Concepts for Social Change. Edited by Goodwin Watson, 1967. Available from National Training Laboratories, National Education Association, 1201 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. 88 pp. $2.50.

Gwenna Moss

Community Organization: Theory, Principles, and Practice (second edition). By Murray G. Ross with B.W. Lappin, 1967. Available from Harper &Row, Publishers, 49 E. 33rd St., New York, N.Y. 10016. $7.25. Howard A. Shriver

Human Behavior: Shorter Edition. By Bernard Berelson and Gary A. Steiner, 1967. Available from Harcourt, Brace &World, Inc., 757 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017. 225 pp. $2.40 (paperback).
James W. Matthews

Social Anthropology. By Godfrey Lienhardt, 1966. Available from Oxford University Press, 417 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 177 pp. $1.85 (paperback).
Mary Boppell

Abstracts (pdf)

The Human Dialogue: Perspectives on Communication. Edited by Floyd W. Matson and Ashley Montagu. 1966. 595 pp. Available from The Free Press, New York, N.Y. 10022. $8.95.

Cooperative Curriculum Improvement. John R. Verduin, Jr. 1967. 141 pp. Available from Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632. $2.95 (paperback).

Teacher Education in a Social Context. Gordon J. Klopf and Garda W. Bowman. 1967. 352 pp. Available from Mental Health Materials Center, 104 East 25th St., New York, N.Y. 10010. $4.50.

A Biological and Psychological Background to Education. C. G. Ivan Hussell and Alice F. Laing. 1967. 225 pp. Available from Pergamon Press, 122 East 55th St., New York, N.Y. 10022. $3.75.

Pictures: Their Use in the Agricultural Extension Service, Pennsylvania, 1914-1949. George Fiske Johnson . 1967. Available from Pennsylvania Agricultural and Home Economics Extension Service, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802.

Studies on Behavior in Organizations. Edited by Raymond V. Bowers. 1966. 364 pp. Available from University of Georgia Press, Athens, Georgia. $8.00.

Oakland Papers: Symposium on Social Change and Educational Continuity. Edited by James B. Whipple and Gary A. Woditsch. 1966. 75 pp. Available from Center for the Study of Liberal Education for Adults at Boston University, 138 Mountfort St., Brookline, Massachusetts 02146. $1.75.

Communicating with Low-Income Families. Naomi Brill. Journal of Home Economics, LXVIII (October, 1966), 631-35. Available from American Home Economics Association, 1600 Twentieth St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009. Single copy $1.00.

Adult Education in Developing Countries. Jack Mezirow and David Epley. 1965. 120 pp. Available from the University of Pittsburgh Bookstore, Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213. $1.50.

A Casebook of Social Change. Edited by Arthur N. Niehoff. 1966. 312 pp. Available from Aldine Publishing Co., 320 W. Adams St., Chicago, Illinois 60606. $6.00 ($2.95, paperback).

Psychological Learning Theory: Application to Adult Education. Richard I. Lanyon and Milton M. Schwartz, Adult Education, XVII (Autumn, 1966), 12-18. Available from Adult Education Association of the U.S.A., 1225 Nineteenth St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. $7.50 per year domestic.

Readings on Social Change. Edited by Wilbert E. Moore and Robert M. Cook. 1966. 242 pp. Available from Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632. $3.95 (paperback).

Journal of Marriage and the Family, XXIX (February, 1967). 209 pp. Available from Circulation Department, The National Council on Family Relations, 1219 University Ave., S.E., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414. Single copies $3.00.

The New Media and Education. Edited by Peter H. Rossi and Bruce J. Biddle. 1966. 417 pp. Available from Aldine Publishing Co., 320 W. Adams St., Chicago, Illinois 60606. $8.95.

A Theory of Achievement Motivation. Edited by John W. Atkinson and Norman T. Feather. 1966. 392 pp. Available from John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. $11.50.