Spring 1968 // Volume 6 // Number 1
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Note: The articles in this issue are available only online in PDF format. To view them, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Acrobat Reader is available for free at http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html.
Point of View
Point of View(pdf)
More Dialogue-Agent Qualifications
Eugene Ross
Denzil O. Clegg
John A. Hassert
Karl Griffith
Grace M. Wright
Wilbur F. Pease
W. E. Skelton
Feature Articles
Routes to Adulthood (pdf)
Adolescents use various routes to progress into adulthood. From the adult point of view, some of these routes are acceptable while others are not. Although most youth make a successful transition into adulthood, others cling to their peer groups and defy the adult society which awaits them. The author defines five subgroups of adolescents--maintainers and conformers, the entrepreneurs, the uncommitted, the half socialized, and the unsocialized--and discusses the kinds of leaders and programs that are most successful in working with these five groups of youth.
New Use of Phone Communication (pdf)
Effective communication between personnel is vital to the success of an organization. One important aspect is the channels available for communicating. In an attempt to improve its communication channels, the Nebraska Cooperative Extension Service is using a special telephone service to enable county agents to call university personnel directly rather than to use less direct means (such as writing a letter). An effort has been made to appraise the effectiveness of the system. This article reports the impact this new telephone service has had on agents' communication patterns with state staff. The author suggests that use of this service will improve cooperation and understanding between state and county personnel.
The Nature of Decision Making (pdf)
Extension personnel constantly work with decision makers, including executives of agri-business firms. We can be more effective teachers and specialists if we understand the nature and principles of decision making. The author discusses steps in decision making and distinguishes between programmed (or routine) vs. nonprogrammed (or strategic) decision making. Pointing out that executive decision making is primarily concerned with the evaluation of alternatives, the author suggests that Extension specialists can make a real contribution to their clientele by developing a teaching methods for quantifying and evaluating these alternatives.
Program-Planning Research (pdf)
Planning is generally accepted as an essential process for developing educational programs, activities, or events. It can be a simple process (i.e., planning a lecture) or rather complex (i.e., planning a long-range comprehensive plan for social and economic development for a depressed area). The process of planning has considerable influence on the success or failure of a program. The author briefly summarizes some aspects of a research effort directed toward analyzing the program-planning process as carried out by Extension. Most of the tentative conclusions apply equally to organizations and agencies which involve lay citizens in planning their programs.
Human Resources (pdf)
In resource development, it is more important to develop human resources than natural resources, according to the author. He contends that to fully develop these human resources, low-income people must develop a desire to better themselves. But how can we motivate the unmotivated? The author suggests involving the poor in group participation at the neighborhood level. Recognizing the fact that often the poor drop out of a group before they can be helped, he explores the reasons people join groups and the effect of the environment on desires and interests. Implications are given for working with the poor in neighborhood activities and organizations.
Tele-Lecture or Traditional Lecture? (pdf)
In an attempt to minimize travel and make the best use of time, some Extension personnel have tried tele-lecture, a technique which brings the speaker to the audience via an amplified telephone call. But how does an audience react to such a lecture as compared to one delivered in person? And will a traditional-lecture audience be able to recall more information than will one exposed to information by remote control? To answer these and other questions, a study was made of a tele-lecture audience as compared to a traditional-lecture audience. The authors present the conclusions and discuss the implications for adult educators.
Research in Brief (pdf)
Dealing With a "Lone Wolf"
New Audiences Via TV
4-H Leader Communication Style
Area Positions- Who'll Pick Up the Tab?
Top Scholar, Top Employee?
Book Reviews (pdf)
Organizations in Action. By James D. Thompson, 1967.
Available from McGraw-Hill Book Company, 330 West 42nd St., New York,
N.Y. 10036. 192 pp. $7.95.
Maurice E. Johnson
A Philosophy for Adult Education. By Paul Bergevin,
1967. Available from The Seabury Press, 815 Second Ave., New York, N.Y.
10017. 170 pp. $4.95.
Myron D. Johnsrud
Volunteers Today-Finding, Training and Working with Them.
By Harriet H. Naylor, 1967. Available from the Association
Press, 291 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10007. 192 pp. $5.50.
Martha E. Farris
Abstracts (pdf)
The Management Process and Its Core Concepts. Jean
Davis Schlater. Journal of Home Economics, LIX (February, 1967),
93-98. Available from American Home Economics Association, 1600 Twentieth
St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009. Single copy $1.00.
Reaching the Unreached. U.G. Word, Jr., and Lloyd L.
Rutledge. June, 1966. 23 pp. Available from Agricultural Extension Service,
University of Arkansas, Little Rock, Arkansas 17203.
Research and Investigations in Adult Education. ERIC
Clearinghouse on Adult Education, Roger DeCrow, Director. Adult Education,
XVIII (Summer, 1967). Available from Adult Education Association
of the U.S.A., 1225 Nineteenth St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. $7.50
per year domestic.
Big Business, Technology, and Education. Myron Leiberman.
Phi Delta Kappan, XLVIII (January, 1967), 185-86. Available from
Phi Delta Kappa, Eighth St. and Union Ave., Bloomington, Indiana 47401.
Single copy $0.60.
Family Life Education-A Cause for Action. 1966. 64 pp.
Available from American Social Health Association, 1740 Broadway, New
York, N.Y. 10009. $2.00.
Organizations and Human Behavior: A Book of Readings. Edited
by Gerald D. Bell. 1967. 289 pp. Available from Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood
Cliffs, New Jersey 07632. $4.50.
Man's Behavior: An Introduction to Social Science. Jules
Karlin. 1967. 617 pp. Available from The Macmillan Co., 60 Fifth Ave.,
New York, N.Y. 10011. $8.95.
Consumer Education and the Madison Avenue Morality. David
K. Gat. Phi Delta Kappan, XLVIII (June, 1967), 485-87. Available
from Phi Delta Kappa, Eighth St. and Union Ave., Bloomington, Indiana
47401. Single copy $0.60.
Iowa's Human and Community Development Resources. Vaughn
Porter Manley. 1967. 59 pp. Available from Iowa State Manpower Development
Council, 500 East Locust St., Des Moines, Iowa 50319.
Educational Organization and Administration (second edition).
Edgar L. Morphet, Roe L. Johns, and Theodore L. Reller. 1967.
569 pp. Available from Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
07632. $8.50.
Organization Theory: A Behavioral Analysis for Management. William
G. Scott. 1967. 442 pp. Available from Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1818 Ridge
Rd., Homewood, Illinois 60430. $8.00.
Interpersonal Accommodation. Mark Abrahamson. 1966.
152 pp. Available from D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., 120 Alexander St., Princeton,
New Jersey 08540. $1.75.
Perspectives on Learning. Edited by Gordon J. Klopf
and William A. Hohman. 1967. 128 pp. Available from Mental Health Materials
Center, 104 East 25th St., New York, N.Y., 10010. $3.50.
Maurice E. Johnson
Myron D. Johnsrud
Martha E. Farris