Winter 1991 // Volume 29 // Number 4 // Tools of the Trade // 4TOT2

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National Issues Forums: A Public Policy Education Tool

Successful public policy education, within Extension, is based on one important assumption-the Extension educator remains neutral and objective. The alternative consequences model of public policy education is a most appropriate model to maintain such objectivity. When using this model, the educator outlines the issues and alternatives-including their strengths and weaknesses-and leaves decision making to participants and the democratic process.

Faden Fulleylove-Krause
Calumet County Extension Home Economist
University of Wisconsin CES

The issues facing today's families and communities are complex. Extension's mission historically has been "to help people help themselves." Issues programming offers Extension agents an opportunity, and an obligation, to offer educational programs on public policy issues facing today's families and communities

Public Policy Education and Extension

Successful public policy education, within Extension, is based on one important assumption-the Extension educator remains neutral and objective. The alternative consequences model of public policy education is a most appropriate model to maintain such objectivity. When using this model, the educator outlines the issues and alternatives-including their strengths and weaknesses-and leaves decision making to participants and the democratic process.

National Issues Forums (NIF), a tool developed by the Domestic Policy Association, uses the alternative consequences model to study three national issues each year. The issues are thoroughly researched and support materials prepared. The Extension educator's skills are an excellent match with National Issues Forums' formats and materials.

NIF Empowers Citizens

National Issues Forums offer participants (citizens) a process, implemented at the grassroots level, that empowers them to participate in the democratic process. What NIF does best is educate citizens on the complex alternatives to an issue. NIF gives participants an opportunity to think through their value system on an issue. When citizens attend a National Issues Forum, they're given all aspects of the issue and begin to work toward an informed judgment. When citizens are prepared, they feel empowered and are more likely to participate in the democratic process.

Public policy education and issues programming are two important program components for Extension educators. Extension has skilled educators and a community presence that when teamed with NIF materials can enhance a citizen's ability to give an informed opinion about a critical national issue. It's both NIF and Extension's goal to foster sound public judgment.

To learn more about National Issues Forums, contact them at 100 Commons Road, Dayton, OH 45459-2777. The phone numbers are: 1 -800-433-7834 or in Ohio 1-800-433-4819.