Winter 1985 // Volume 23 // Number 4

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Editor's Page

International Extension - A Needed Focus

Feature Articles

Does In-Service Make a Difference?
Keith L. Smith
Do agents learn and then use what they learn?

Extension Specialists: A Self-Analysis
John M. Gerber
The impact of a specialist's changing role.

Extension in Developing Countries: An Example
Irene Beavers
The progress and potential of two Asian Extension centers.

So You're Planning a Money Management Prograram
Victoria E. Steinfelt and Donna R. Iams
What to do to reach more people.

Grantsmanship - Third Wave Skills for the 80's
Linda A. Wilson
Knowing where and how to secure funding.

Putting Extension Information Where People Will Find It
Diana Pounds
Where do people look for and find information?

Nutrition - Who really Cares?
Andrea W. Bressler
Directing programs at audiences with specific motivations.

Ideas at Work

The Urban Learning Experience
Roderick Royall

Family Violence - A Community Concern
Betty Rae Weiford and William E. Beckley