Spring 1972 // Volume 10 // Number 1
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Note: The articles in this issue are available only online in PDF format. To view them, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Acrobat Reader is available for free at http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html.
Editor's Page
Editor's Page (pdf)
Point of View
To the Editor (pdf)
Carl S. Smith
Feature Articles
A Foundation Executive Views the Future and Continuing Education 1 (pdf)
Mawby asserts: "The problem in continuing education is that, when all is said and done, too often more is said than done." But, he's optimistic about the future for continuing education. He believes higher education institutions want to make the most of their opportunities and leadership to do so will come from experienced professionals in continuing education.
New Model for Effecting Change (pdf)
Brereton states that the conventional Extension program planning model tends "to ignore the client's behavior in the program development process" and focuses too much on the behavior of the program developer. This results in educational programs failing to cause client change. He proposes a new model which combines Rogers' theory of human behavior in the diffusion process with Lewin's disequilibrium theory. Critiquing a case study, he demonstrates how the new model can be used for more effective programming to bring about behaviorable change. Does it look useful to you?
ERTS-- For a File or Field? (pdf)
A technological tool developed in the past decade and capable of minutely monitoring earth's resources via satellites orbiting the earth is to be launched by NASA before the summer of 1972. Vital information to the farmer, forester, or water conservationist will be contained in the photos transmitted from the satellites to receiving stations. But, the authors contend no plans have been made for Extension, USDA, or land-grand university staffs to receive, interpret, or apply the data. How would you go about aquiring access to such information so that Extension's clientele might benefit from its use?
Reaching Young Homemakers (pdf)
"Young families are interested in adult education program," the authors say. However, effectively reaching young homemakers has long been a concern and problem to Extension educators. Today's dilemma of involving young homemakers in educational programs at a time when their family living problems are paramount is discussed. The authors present a West Virginia county steady aimed at finding out more about the needs and interests of young homemakers in home economics adult education programs, how they'd like to receive this education, and why they don't take advantage of existing programs. Are their findings similar to the situation in your county or state?
Joint Appointments-- Pros and Cons (pdf)
There appears to be a trend in Extension today for joint appointments of professional staff. Many variations exist in the nature of these joint appointments. The authors present findings of a study of attitudes towards joint appointments in agronomy departments throughout the United States. What's your reaction to the advantages and disadvantages cited? Do you believe this to be the direction in which Extension should go in the future?
Research in Brief (pdf)
Adolescents and the Effect of Family Life Education
V. McGaugh
4-H Boy-Girl Ratio
D. Stormer
Profile of Missouri Youth Agent
D. Stormer
Commitments of Leaders As Predictors of Attitudes Toward New Social
Issues in a Rural Community
P. Boyle
A Community Approach to Youth Work in East London
J. P. Leagans
Life Skills: A Course in Applied Problem Solving
J. P. Leagans
C.D.C.'s: New Hope for the InnerCity
D. Littrell
A Three County Planning Program
D. Littrell
"Toward the Prevention of Incompetence"
V. McGaugh
Use of the Mass Media by the Urban Poor
M. Miller
Do Extension Newsletters Really Work?
M. Miller
Studies on the Efficiency of Learning by Listening to Time-Compressed
M. Miller
"Laboratory Versus Lecture in Training Executives"
M. Miller
"Occupation Qualifications and Success of On-the-Job Trainees"
M. Miller
The Comparative Effectiveness of the Educational Network and Face-to-Face
Lectures for University Extension In-Service Training
M. Miller
Some Problems in the Behavioral Science Education of Managers and
Management Instructors in Developing Nations
C. Trent
Some Aptitudes and Abilities of Vietnamese Technicians: Implications
for Training
C. Trent
Book Reviews (pdf)
A brief review of the following:
Between Parent and Teenager. Haim C. Ginott. New
York, New York: Avon Books, 1971. 254 pp. $1.25 (paper).
Maurice E. Johnson
Classroom Out-of-Doors: Extension Through School Camping.
Wilbur Schramm. Kalamazoo, Michigan: Sequoia Press, 1969. 193 pp. $4.95
Richard E. Young
Community Councils and Community Control. Harold
H. Weissman. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: University of Pittsburgh Press,
1970. 214 pp. $8.95.
John C. Snider
Education, Administration, and Change: The Redeployment of
Resources. Lanore A. Netzer and Glen G. Eye, eds. New York,
New York: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1970. 207 pp. $8.95.
Gordon Purrington
Rehearse Before You Retire. Elmer Otte. Appleton,
Wisconsin: Retirement Research, 1970. 181 pp. $2.00 (paper).
Andrew Hendrickson
Abstracts (pdf)
Active Learning: Games to Enhance Academic Abilities.
Bryant J. Cratty. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.,
1971. 157 pp. $6.95.
American Ideologies: The Competing Political Beliefs of the 1970s.
Kenneth M. Dolbeare and Patricia Dolbeare. Chicago, Illinois: Markham
Publishing Company, 1971. 251 pp. $6.50.
The Dynamics of Action. John W. Atkinson and David Birch.
New York, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1970. 380 pp. $11.95.
Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication. Kim Griffin and Bobby
R. Patten. New York, New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1971. 229
pp. $6.50.
Handbook of Procedures for the Design of Instruction.
Leslie J. Briggs. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: American Institutes for Research,
1970. 206 pp. $5.50 (paper).
Homework: Required Reading for Teachers and Parents.
Gloria Channon. New York, New York: Outerbridge & Dienstfrey, 1970.
128 pp. $5.95.
Organizing for Innovation: A Systems Approach to Technical Management.
J. A. Morton. New York, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1971. 171
pp. $11.50.
Problem-Solving Discussion: A Practitioner's Handbook.
T. D. Adams. Berkeley, California: McCutchan Publishing Corporation, 1970.
57 pp. $1.56 (paper).
Psychological Factors in Poverty. Vernon L. Allen, ed.
Chicago, Illinois: Markham Publishing Company, 1970. 392 pp. $10.50.
Readings on the Sociology of the Family. Bert N. Adams
and Thomas Weirath. Chicago, Illinois: Markham Publishing Company, 1971.
475 pp. $10.00.
Research in Extension Education: For Accelerating Development
Process. K. N. Singh, C. S. S. Rao, and B. N. Sahay, eds. New
Delhi-12, India: Indian Society of Extension Education, Division of Agricultural
Extension, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, 1970. 496 pp. $9.00.
Supervision, Staff Development, and Leadership. Louise
M. Berman. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company, 1971.
103 pp. No price given (paper).
Training Creative Thinking. Gary A. Davis and Joseph
A. Scott. New York, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1971.
302 pp. $4.95 (paper).
Voices for Justice: Role Playing in Democratic Procedures.
Charles N. Quigley and Richard P. Longaker. Boston, Massachusetts: Ginn
and Company, 1970. 99 pp. $2.12 (paper).
Idea Corner
Idea Corner (pdf)
Blessed Are The Listeners...
Donald J. Wishart
An Extension Center-- A Learning Center
Donald W. Mocker
Employability Orientation-- A Success Story
Beverly Fuchs
Increasing Press Coverage
John A. Wallize, K. Robert Kern
Maurice E. Johnson
Richard E. Young
John C. Snider
Gordon Purrington
Andrew Hendrickson
Blessed Are The Listeners...
Donald J. Wishart
An Extension Center-- A Learning Center
Donald W. Mocker
Employability Orientation-- A Success Story
Beverly Fuchs
Increasing Press Coverage
John A. Wallize, K. Robert Kern