The Journal of Extension -

Website Statistics: The Top 50 Most Read JOE Articles of 2013

The following 50 articles were the most viewed JOE articles between January 1 and December 31 of 2013. We offer this list as an indicator of trends in reader interest. It says a lot about the degree of interest people from around the world have in some of the topics discussed in JOE articles.

Bear in mind this list is not a reflection on the quality of the JOE articles that "made the list" as opposed to those that didn't. This list may be influenced by several factors (including the commonness of key phrases contained in a page and the length of time a page has been available online), and we caution against over interpretation.

  1. Empowerment: What Is It?
    Page, Nanette; Czuba, Cheryl E.
    Issue: 1999 October
    No. of Views: 58,625
    2012 Rank: 1 (+0)

  2. Cronbach's Alpha: A Tool for Assessing the Reliability of Scales
    Santos, J. Reynaldo A.
    Issue: 1999 April
    No. of Views: 56,309
    2012 Rank: 3 (+1)

  3. Understanding Employee Motivation
    Lindner, James R.
    Issue: 1998 June
    No. of Views: 44,110
    2012 Rank: 2 (-1)

  4. Analyzing Likert Data
    Boone Jr., Harry N.; Boone, Deborah A.
    Issue: 2012 April
    No. of Views: 41,106
    2012 Rank: 8 (+4)

  5. Tips for Developing and Testing Questionnaires/Instruments
    Radhakrishna, Rama B.
    Issue: 2007 February
    No. of Views: 30,666
    2012 Rank: 5 (+0)

  6. Factors Influencing Career Choices of Adolescents and Young Adults in Rural Pennsylvania
    Ferry, Natalie M.
    Issue: 2006 June
    No. of Views: 29,000
    2012 Rank: 6 (+0)

  7. Training and the Needs of Adult Learners
    Ota, Carrie; DiCarlo, Cynthia F.; Burts, Diane C.; Laird, Robert; Gioe, Cheri
    Issue: 2006 December
    No. of Views: 19,814
    2012 Rank: 10 (+3)

  8. The Value Orientations Method: A Tool to Help Understand Cultural Differences
    Gallagher, Tom
    Issue: 2001 December
    No. of Views: 14,229
    2012 Rank: 7 (-1)

  9. Youth Involvement in Community Development: Implications and Possibilities for Extension
    Brennan, M. A.; Barnett, Rosemary V.; Baugh, Eboni
    Issue: 2007 August
    No. of Views: 13,479
    2012 Rank: 27 (+18)

  10. An Organizational Culture Assessment Using the Competing Values Framework: A Profile of Ohio State University Extension
    Berrio, Angel A.
    Issue: 2003 April
    No. of Views: 11,874
    2012 Rank: 9 (-1)

  11. A 10-Step Process for Environmental Scanning
    Guion, Lisa A.
    Issue: 2010 August
    No. of Views: 11,349
    2012 Rank: 42 (+31)

  12. NEW Small Businesses and the Community: Their Role and Importance Within a State's Economy
    Muske, Glenn; Woods, Michael; Swinney, Jane; Khoo, Chia-Ling
    Issue: 2007 February
    No. of Views: 11,181
    2012 Rank: Unranked

  13. NEW Financial Simulations for Young Adults: Making the Real World" Real "
    O'Neill, Barbara
    Issue: 2008 December
    No. of Views: 6,218
    2012 Rank: Unranked

  14. Barriers to a Healthy Lifestyle: From Individuals to Public Policy—An Ecological Perspective
    Fitzgerald, Nurgul; Spaccarotella, Kim
    Issue: 2009 February
    No. of Views: 9,572
    2012 Rank: 15 (+1)

  15. Nominal Group Technique: An Alternative to Brainstorming
    Sample, John A.
    Issue: 1984 March
    No. of Views: 9,889
    2012 Rank: 13 (-2)

  16. ABC's of Behavioral Objectives--Putting Them to Work for Evaluation
    Boone, Harry N., Jr.: Boone, Deborah A.
    Issue: 2005 October
    No. of Views: 9,532
    2012 Rank: 21 (+5)

  17. Are You Experiencing Burnout
    O. Chris Igodan and L.H. Newcomb
    Issue: 1986 Spring
    No. of Views: 9,475
    2012 Rank: 11 (-6)

  18. GIS, GPS, and Remote Sensing Technologies in Extension Services: Where to Start, What to Know
    Milla, Katherine A.; Lorenzo, Alfredo; Brown, Cynthia
    Issue: 2005 June
    No. of Views: 8,496
    2012 Rank: 45 (+27)

  19. Pots, Pans, and Kitchen Equipment: Do Low-Income Clients Have Adequate Tools for Cooking?
    Landers, Patti; Shults, Cheryl
    Issue: 2008 February
    No. of Views: 7,157
    2012 Rank: 4 (-15)

  20. How to Create and Use an Interactive PowerPoint Quiz Game
    O'Neill, Barbara
    Issue: 2003 April
    No. of Views: 8,272
    2012 Rank: 22 (+2)

  21. The Risk Matrix: Illustrating the Importance of Risk Management Strategies
    Alexander; Corinne; Marshall, Maria I.
    Issue: 2006 April
    No. of Views: 7,654
    2012 Rank: 16 (-5)

  22. Risk Factors Affecting High School Drop Out Rates and 4-H Teen Program Planning
    Lamm, Alexa; Harder, Amy; Lamm, Dennis; Rose, Herb, III; Rask, Glen
    Issue: 2005 August
    No. of Views: 6,418
    2012 Rank: 18 (-4)

  23. NEW A Review and Critique of 16 Major Parent Education Programs
    Collins, Christina L.; Fetsch, Robert J.
    Issue: 2012 August
    No. of Views: 6,124
    2012 Rank: Unranked

  24. Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs: Linking Research and Practice
    Johns, Marilyn J.; Moncloa, Fe; Gong, Elizabeth J.
    Issue: 2000 August
    No. of Views: 3,110
    2012 Rank: 12 (-12)

  25. Are Accents One of the Last Acceptable Areas for Discrimination?
    Ingram, Patreese D.
    Issue: 2009 February
    No. of Views: 6,192
    2012 Rank: 48 (+23)

  26. Staffing Strategies For A More Diverse Workforce: Case Examples In Cornell Cooperative Extension
    Grogan, Soneeta Eshelman, Barbara
    Issue: 1998 February
    No. of Views: 6,253
    2012 Rank: 28 (+2)

  27. A Model of Employee Satisfaction: Gender Differences in Cooperative Extension
    Vlosky, Richard P.; Aguilar, Francisco X.
    Issue: 2009 April
    No. of Views: 5,535
    2012 Rank: 23 (-4)

  28. NEW Strategies for Generalizing Findings in Survey Research
    Radhakrishna, Rama; Doamekpor, Prosper
    Issue: 2008 April
    No. of Views: 5,589
    2012 Rank: Unranked

  29. NEW Calibration of Boom Sprayers Using Charts to Reduce Math Calculations
    Beard, F. Richard; Deer, Howard
    Issue: 2001 February
    No. of Views: 5,608
    2012 Rank: Unranked

  30. The Meaning of Aging
    Chen, Nina
    Issue: 2001 December
    No. of Views: 5,470
    2012 Rank: 25 (-5)

  31. NEW Keys to Successful Mentoring Relationships
    Byington, Teresa
    Issue: 2010 December
    No. of Views: 5,344
    2012 Rank: Unranked

  32. Teleconferencing
    Randall G. Rogan; Gary A. Simmons
    Issue: 1984 September
    No. of Views: 5,446
    2012 Rank: 20 (-12)

  33. Culinary Herbs as Alternative Cash Crops for Small Scale Farmers in Southern Ohio
    Gao, Gary Bergefurd, Brad
    Issue: 1998 December
    No. of Views: 5,459
    2012 Rank: 38 (+5)

  34. Serving Dual-Career Families: Problem or Opportunity?
    Hester, Susan B.; Dickerson, Kitty G.
    Issue: 1984 July
    No. of Views: 5,159
    2012 Rank: 29 (-5)

  35. A Framework to Link Evaluation Questions to Program Outcomes
    Radhakrishna, Rama B.; Relado, Rhemilyn Z.
    Issue: 2009 June
    No. of Views: 5,237
    2012 Rank: 49 (+14)

  36. How to Create a Bibliography
    Webster, Janet
    Issue: 2003 June
    No. of Views: 5,485
    2012 Rank: 24 (-12)

  37. Ecological Principles—A Unifying Theme in Environmental Education
    Mengak, Michael T.; Rutledge, Holly E.; McDonald, Barbara
    Issue: 2009 October
    No. of Views: 4,914
    2012 Rank: 39 (+2)

  38. NEW Simple Statistics for Correlating Survey Responses
    Hollingsworth, Robert G.; Collins, Topaz P.; Smith, Virginia Easton; Nelson, Scot C.
    Issue: 2011 October
    No. of Views: 5,092
    2012 Rank: Unranked

  39. NEW Getting the "Yes" to Sponsorships
    Galloway, Robin
    Issue: 2004 December
    No. of Views: 5,247
    2012 Rank: Unranked

  40. Characteristics of Effective Training: Developing a Model to Motivate Action
    Wise, Dena; Ezell, Patsy
    Issue: 2003 April
    No. of Views: 5,061
    2012 Rank: 30 (-10)

  41. NEW Examining Empowerment": A How-To Guide for the Youth Development Professional"
    Huebner, Angela J.
    Issue: 1998 December
    No. of Views: 4,750
    2012 Rank: Unranked

  42. Character Education: Developing Effective Programs
    McDaniel, Annette Kusgen
    Issue: 1998 April
    No. of Views: 4,776
    2012 Rank: 41 (-1)

  43. NEW Detergent Considerations for Consumers: Laundering in Hard Water—How Much Extra Detergent Is Required?
    Cameron, Bruce A.
    Issue: 2011 August
    No. of Views: 4,734
    2012 Rank: Unranked

  44. NEW Learning Best Through Experience
    Richardson, John G.
    Issue: 1994 August
    No. of Views: 4,601
    2012 Rank: Unranked

  45. A Framework for 21st Century Leadership
    Sandmann, Lorilee R., Ph.D. Vandenberg, Lela, Ph.D.
    Issue: 1995 December
    No. of Views: 4,609
    2012 Rank: 26 (-19)

  46. What's Relationship Marketing?
    Deborah A. Jones and William C. Smith
    Issue: 1988 Fall
    No. of Views: 4,603
    2012 Rank: 17 (-29)

  47. Creative Teaching: Simulations, Games, and Role Playing
    Karen DeBord
    Issue: 1989 Summer
    No. of Views: 4,598
    2012 Rank: 19 (-28)

  48. Challenges to Diversity from an African-American Perspective
    McCray, Jacquelyn W.
    Issue: 1994 June
    No. of Views: 4,445
    2012 Rank: 46 (-2)

  49. NEW The Influence of Different Tomato Varieties on Acidity as It Relates to Home Canning
    Heflebower, Rick; Washburn, Carolyn
    Issue: 2010 December
    No. of Views: 4,496
    2012 Rank: Unranked

  50. Assessing Your Collaboration: A Self Evaluation Tool
    Borden, Lynne M., Perkins, Daniel F.
    Issue: 1999 April
    No. of Views: 4,255
    2012 Rank: 36 (-14)