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December 2018
December 2018 // Volume 56 // Number 7 // Ideas at Work // v56-7 iw8
Development of a Food Safety Training for a Prison Farm: Challenges and Solutions
Workers on prison farms in the United States commonly grow produce and row crops and raise livestock. Teaching good agricultural practices to prisoners and prison staff increases the safety of the food produced and reduces the likelihood of an illness outbreak. We developed a food safety curriculum for use on prison farms in Iowa. In developing the curriculum, we encountered many challenges that resulted in modifications in the content and delivery method. We present the content of the curriculum and provide educators with a better understanding of challenges and potential solutions related to working with prison farms.
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, in 2015 there were an estimated 1.53 million persons in state and federal correctional facilities across the United States (Carson & Anderson, 2016). Prison systems across the United States have implemented many programs to help rehabilitate prisoners and teach them skills they can use when they reenter society. Extension programs on financial planning, parenting, and cooking are a few examples (Iowa Prison Industries, 2017; Reilly, 2003, Richel, 2013). Among these programs are prison farms focused on agricultural food production involving fruits, vegetables, grains, cattle, chickens, and pigs. Prison farm programs provide prisoners with horticulture and animal husbandry knowledge and management skills that relate to potential career options (Robinson & O'Callaghan, 2008).
On-Farm Food Safety Training
Fresh produce and nuts account for 46% of reported food-borne illnesses (Painter et al., 2013). Iowa State University Extension programs have been educating fruit and vegetable growers about good agricultural practices (GAP) through workshops targeted to all sizes of fruit and vegetable operations for over a decade. GAP education programs cover best practices in four key areas (water, soil, facilities, and people), with the goal being to improve growers' food safety behaviors (Shaw, Strohbehn, Naeve, Domoto, & Wilson, 2015a, 2015b). It is known that education about proper fresh produce handling from farm to fork helps prevent contamination on the farm; during packing, processing, and distribution; and within retail settings (Lynch, Tauxe, & Hedberg, 2009). Accordingly, GAP programs can benefit prison farms by ensuring safer products and teaching new life skills to prisoners.
Prison Farms in Iowa
In 2013 Iowa prison systems included nine prison farms that provided 21,198 hr of prisoner training as part of rehabilitation programs (Iowa Prison Industries, 2014). Iowa prison farmworkers grow fruits, vegetables, and row crops and raise cattle and poultry. It was estimated that in 2013, over 40,000 lb of produce was grown and sold to local prison facilities or donated to local food pantries (Iowa Prison Industries, 2014). The purpose of this article is to describe a food safety curriculum developed for prison farms and highlight the challenges and potential solutions for implementing such a curriculum. Extension educators can use this information to assist state and federal prison farms in ensuring that food safety is priority.
Development of a Food Safety Training Curriculum for Prison Farms
We developed a food safety training curriculum according to the latest GAP recommendations (National Good Agricultural Practices Program, 2018). A convenience sample of four farm managers and administrators who worked across the state's nine prison farms reviewed the training material to ensure appropriateness and accuracy of the content relative to Iowa prison system rules and regulations. The food safety curriculum was developed in PowerPoint with notes for a print-only form and was translated into PowerPoint voiceover format for conversion to DVD use. We had wanted to develop an online curriculum for the prison farmer but due to state regulations, these two formats were used instead. Table 1 details the content of the food safety training curriculum. The content of the training was designed to be covered in less than 1 hr.
Subject covered | Objective | Focal topics |
Biological hazards | To provide definition, best practices, and prevention methods to reduce risk of biological hazards |
Chemical hazards | To provide definition, best practices, and prevention methods to reduce risk of chemical hazards |
Physical hazards | To provide definition, best practices, and prevention methods to reduce risk of physical hazards |
Water and soil quality/safety | To provide definition of soil and water quality, best practices with soil and water, and prevention methods and policies to reduce risk of associated food safety hazards |
Worker hygiene | To provide best practices and policies to reduce food safety risk associated with prisoners and farm employees |
Harvest and harvest tools | To describe best practices and policies for harvesting, sorting, and cleaning To define best practices for harvest tools and policies for tool care and maintenance |
Cooler thermometer calibration | To provide guidance on thermometer calibration for any cooler unit on the farm |
Cleaning food contact surfaces and nonfood contact surfaces | To provide guidance on what is considered a food contact surface and sanitation steps for cleaning food contact surfaces |
Record keeping | To provide guidance and best practices related to record-keeping needs within the farm setting |
Eating and breaks | To provide guidance on employee eating and drinking and breaks within the farm setting |
Challenges and Limitations of Implementing the Food Safety Curriculum
We conducted pilot testing of our program at the Montrose Prison Farm, where prisoners grow fruits, vegetables, row crops, and trees and raise cattle. The farm has a full-time staff of 3–4 state employees along with a maximum daily capacity of 14 prisoners (estimated at over 100 prisoners working at the farm over a growing season).
We developed our food safety training curriculum to assist Iowa prison farms in obtaining U.S. Department of Agriculture GAP certification and complying with local food market requirements. However, every state's prison system has specific rules and regulations that must be followed, in addition to various federal regulations, and these circumstances add to the challenges of implementing a program such as ours on a particular prison farm.
Our experience with the Iowa prison farms revealed several challenges, including high employee turnover, a rigorous materials approval process, and time limitations. Working with the prison farm managers to understand the rules within the prison system allowed us to overcome these challenges. Table 2 specifies challenges educators may face if implementing a food safety program in a prison farm system and possible solutions to those challenges.
Challenge | Details | Suggestion(s) for overcoming challenge |
Food safety training requirements |
Technology use |
Time restraints of food safety training |
High employee turnover |
Cleaning chemicals |
Tools usage |
Breaks |
Sickness policy |
Disease concerns |
Mixed farm |
Note. GAP = good agricultural practices. Information is based on experience of pilot testing food safety training program at an Iowa prison farm. |
Prison farms provide many opportunities for prison populations to expand on their skill sets, gain training hours, and work outside. On many prison farms, prisoners grow produce, thus making food safety training a priority. In creating our prison farm food safety curriculum, we prioritized personal hygiene, attention to clothing and boots, disease and sickness, and strategies for managing mixed farms. Development of a food safety training for prison farms does pose many challenges, but they can be overcome. High offender turnover rates along with time restrictions may limit the depth of information that can be provided. The number of challenges is dependent on the prison system's rules and regulations. It is important that educators understand the prison system they will work with and have flexibility when implementing any program.
We thank Iowa Prison Industries for allowing us to work with their farms.
Carson, A. E., & Anderson, E. (2016). Prisoners in 2015. NCJ 250229. Retrieved from https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/p15.pdf
Iowa Prison Industries. (2014). FY2013 annual report. Retrieved from https://www.iaprisonind.com/downloads/annualrep/IPIAnnualReport_FY13.pdf
Iowa Prison Industries. (2017). FY2016 annual report. Retrieved from https://www.iaprisonind.com/downloads/annualrep/IPIAnnualReportFY2016.pdf
Lynch, M. F., Tauxe, R. V., & Hedberg, C. W. (2009). The growing burden of foodborne outbreaks due to contaminated fresh produce: Risks and opportunities. Epidemiological Infection, 137(3), 307–315. doi:10.1017/S0950268808001969
National Good Agricultural Practices Program. (2018). Cornell University National Good Agricultural Practices Program. Retrieved from https://gaps.cornell.edu/educational-materials/
Painter, J. A., Hoekstra, R. M., Ayers, T., Tauxe, R. V., Braden, C. R., Angulo, F. J., & Griffin, P. M. (2013). Attribution of foodborne illnesses, hospitalizations, and death to food commodities by using outbreak data, United States, 1998–2008. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 19(3), 407–415. doi:10.3201/eid1903.111866
Reilly, J. L. (2003). Parenting from prison: What can Extension educators do? Journal of Extension, 41(5), Article 5IAW4. Available at: http://www.joe.org/joe/2003october/iw4.php
Richel, K. (2013). Introducing inmates to Extension through financial education and experiential learning tools. Journal of Extension, 51(3), Article 3IAW5. Available at: http://www.joe.org/joe/2013june/iw5.php
Robinson, M. L., & O'Callaghan, A. M. (2008). Expanding horticultural training into the prison population. Journal of Extension, 46(4), Article 4IAW4. Available at: http://www.joe.org/joe/2008august/iw4.php
Shaw, A., Strohbehn, C., Naeve, L., Domoto, P., & Wilson, L. (2015a). Current trends in food safety practices for small growers in the Midwest. Food Protection Trends, 35(6), 461–469.
Shaw, A., Strohbehn, C., Naeve, L., Domoto, P., & Wilson, L. (2015b). Knowledge gained from good agricultural practices courses for Iowa growers. Journal of Extension, 53(5), Article 5RIB3. Available at: http://www.joe.org/joe/2015october/rb3.php