The Journal of Extension -

August 2015 // Volume 53 // Number 4 // Editorial // v53-4ed1

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Make Sure You Get Review Results!

In "Make Sure You Get Review Results!" I have an important message for authors of submissions that are currently in JOE Review to help ensure they get their review results. In "August JOE," I call attention to 13 of 34 great articles in another rich issue.

Laura Hoelscher
Editor, Journal of Extension
Department of Agricultural Communication
Purdue University
West Lafayette, Indiana

Make Sure You Get Review Results!

This is an important message for all authors whose articles are under review in the Journal of Extension (JOE).

Recently, it's come to my attention that some authors have not been getting the review results messages I send them via Manuscript FastTrack (MFT).

Suspecting that the messages may have fallen prey to ever-hungrier junk mail folders, I contacted FastTrack Support for suggestions about steps you can take to solve this problem or prevent it from happening.

FastTrack Support has this suggestion: add and to your known recipients or address books.

Another good idea, of course, is to check your junk mail folders.

I've just added this information to the messages I send to authors whose submissions are ready to upload to MFT, but that won't help authors whose submissions are currently under review.

The above information should.

In future, JOE authors will find the information under "JOE Policy and Practice" on the Help for JOE Authors page

August JOE

In the first Commentary, the Western Extension Directors come to the fore with "Timberline Manifesto: Seven Concepts Linking Extension and Engagement", their "look forward toward Extension's second century."

Food and nutrition feature in all kinds of ways in the August issue, with, by my count, 10 articles touching on the subject.

And the first two Tools of the Trade articles cover a related topic, one that has received considerable attention in recent issues—health. See "Issues in Health Reform: Using a Blog to Inform Professionals and the Public" and "Developing Effective Educational Materials Using Best Practices in Health Literacy".

That's just 13 out of 34 articles in a rich, rich August issue.