Summer 1991 // Volume 29 // Number 2 // Research in Brief // 2RIB2
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Extension Program Delivery Trends
Changes in Extension are affecting the preparation and inservice education of local Extension faculty. One focus of this study assessed trends in program delivery.
Changes in Extension are affecting the preparation and inservice education of local Extension faculty. One focus of this study assessed trends in program delivery. A questionnaire was mailed to all 50 state Extension directors. Thirty-seven (74%) of the returned survey instruments provided usable information.
Eight-nine percent of the directors expected program delivery approaches to change in the next five years. The two most frequently identified changes were increased use of electronic communications and instructional devices and a shift from the single county office to multicounty agent or office. The electronic changes most often mentioned were increased use of telecommunications as a mode of delivery, access to electronic data sources, interactive instructional video, and increased use of computer technology.
Directors also expected increased use of the multicounty delivery approach, fewer centralized state specialists, and more area or district specialists who could serve closer to clientele. Some expected the county agent to have one or two areas of expertise while relying on others where they're weak. Some respondents suggested hiring temporary personnel for specific issues-related, short-term programs/projects, to increase flexibility in staffing.
Preservice and inservice education should be consistent with the trends in programming, such as team or multidiscipline or multicounty planning and administration. Alternative program delivery approaches involving variations in staff size, educational background, and technical knowledge should be studied to determine their economic benefit and relative effectiveness in meeting Extension program goals.