Winter 1974 // Volume 12 // Number 4

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Editor's Page

Editor's Page (pdf)
Patrick J. Borich

Feature Articles

Communicating with the Rural Poor (pdf)
Njoku W. Awa
The current explosion of knowledge has complicated the role of many Extension professionals. The dissemination of information from research to the clientele isn't easy when the receivers actively seek out this information. This study focuses on problems involved in helping the poor, who seldom seek the information, receive messages through mass media. This study shows that often the message sent to the poor through mass media is understood primarily by the sender and not by the poor.

The Concerns of Youth (pdf)
John G. Gross, Phil M. Weedin
This study reports the results of a search for identifying the concerns of 400 ninth and tenth grade students. The concerns identified included alcohol, dating, drug abuse, dress, ecology, population, and youth imput in decision making. These factors were then ranked differently by size of school, place of residence, work status, or absence of mother or father in the youth's home. The authors also try to see where the 4-H program ranks compared with other youth organizations in helping youth meet these concerns.

Low-Income Program Design (pdf)
A. Gene Nelson, Robert O. Coppedge
The Cooperative Extension Service has been given the charge to develop programs for delivery to the rural poor. This study surveyed the poor in three western Oregon counties. It indicates that rural poverty is heterogenous and people in poverty have a variety of needs. The authors then identified some implications of this survey to Extension programming. You may want to compare their implications to your current Extension programs for low-income people.

The Computer and the County Agent (pdf)
Andrew J. Sofranko
The computer and the subsequent data banks are entering more and more into the life of the Extension professional. This study shows that there are certain issues involved in establishing a data bank that will be useful to Extension staff as they carry out their educational responsibility. The author suggests that the data system planners must survey the Extension personnel to determine their needs and then help them use the data and analytical skills available. If you have wondered how data banks might be useful to you, you will enjoy reading this article.

Research in Brief

Poverty Doesn't Guarantee Low Intelligence
H. Long

Job Satisfaction and Decision Participation
C. Trent

Electrical Skills Learning
F. Richards

"Discrimination Day"
C. Martin

Educational Needs of Disadvantaged Adults
F. Richards

Aging and IQ: The Myth of theTwilight Years
H. Long

"Citizen Participation, Democratic Representation, and Survey Research"
D. Blackburn

"The Relationship Between Group Process Training and Group Problem Solving"
D. Blackburn

"Aspects of Stevens County Farmers' Knowledge and Practices as Related to Sorghum Pest Management"
F. Richards, W. Prawl

A Survey of the Effectiveness of Management Development Programs
C. Trent

"Reasons Why Women Do Not Attend Adult Homemaking Classes in Selected Towns of Iowa"
I. Beavers

Selected Socioeconomic Characteristics of Farmers Associated with th Use of Soil Testing
H. Long

"Public Expectations of a University Campus"
I. Beavers

Idea Corner

Tornado! Help!
Sondra Sue Jenkins

Slash Pine Fertilization
Cubie R. Laird

Many Ideas from the "Show Me" State
Vince Raaf

Book Reviews (pdf)

A brief review of the following:

Patterns for Lifelong Learning. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C. S. C., Paul A. Miller, and Clifton Wharton, Jr. San Francisco, California: Jossey-Bass, 1973. 135 pp. $7.00.
Eugene I. Johnson

The Aolescent Years. 2nd ed. William W. Wattenberg. New York, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1973. 438 pp. $10.95.
Willie L. Pierce

Abstracts (pdf)

Education in a Free Society. Ann Austed Burleigh, ed. Indianapolis, Indiana: Liberty Fund, 1973. 182 pp. $3.50.

Foundations of Futurology in Education. Richard W. Hostrop, ed. Homewood, Illinois: ETC Publications, 1973. 249 pp. $7.95.

Guide to Development of Protective Services for Older People. Geneva Mathiasen and Hugh Alan Ross. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1973. 119 pp. $8.50.

The Law and the Poor. Frank Parker and Mary Knoll. New York, New York: Orbis Books, 1973. 218 pp. $8.95.

Organization Development: Behavioral Science Interventions for Organizational Improvement. Wendell L. French and Cecil H. Bell, Jr. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1973. 207 pp. $7.95.

Poverty in America. Lowell Galloway. Columbus, Ohio: Grid, Inc., 1973. 160 pp. $5.50.

The Program Book for Recreation Professionals. Albert Tillman and Ruth Tillman. Palo Alto, California: National Press Books, 1973. 236 pp. $6.95.

The Quality of Life in America: Pollution, Poverty, Power and Fear. A. David Hill and others, eds. New York, New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, Publishers, 1973. 549 pp. $5.95.

Urban America: Institutions and Experience. Michael Lewis. New York, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1973. 276 pp. $7.95.