Fall 1971 // Volume 9 // Number 3
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Note: The articles in this issue are available only online in PDF format. To view them, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Acrobat Reader is available for free at http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html.
Editor's Page
Editor's Page (pdf)
Feature Articles
Seeking a Quality-of-Life Yardstick (pdf)
How does a community measure its quality of life? Reeder offers four criteria that can be used as a yardstick. Then he suggests what the community leadership must do to adapt the yardstick, and what Extension's role should be in the process. Extension must restate community goals in terms of people, organize resources around people priorities, and move with what we know now rather than wait for more research. Many development people make the mistake of thinking about community problems rather people problems, Reeder says.
Is Programmed Instruction for Extension? (pdf)
Although programmed instruction (PI) has been around for several years, it hasn't been used much by Extension. Recently, there's been more interest in this instructional approach. McKay discusses the use of PI in Extension from the point of view of using it more effectively. He mentions several examples of how Extension is using PI; then he discusses the advantages and disadvantages of its use. And, he cautions that there are times programmed instruction shouldn't be used at all.
Educational Participation of Low SES Adults (pdf)
There is a North Carolina study of participation patterns of low socioeconomic status (SES) adults in educational programs. The findings are based on interviews from nearly 7,000 adults living in 31 low socioeconomic counties in North Carolina. The researchers found a high level of interest in education and job training among low SES adults. But there was far less actual participation than interest in participation. About one-third of the adults interviewed were neither interested in participation nor had a record of past participation.
Updated Party Line for Adult Education (pdf)
The Missouri telephone lecture network is presently used for extension programming with health professionals. But there's potential for extending this technique to many adult groups- professional and nonprofessional. The authors describe why the network was established, how it works, and some of its advantages. The greatest advantage of the system for the participant is he need not travel long distances to attend professional meetings. The outlet for the system is often in the same building where he works.
Research in Brief (pdf)
Planning and Organizing Programmers in Adult Education.
J.P. Leagans
A Rationale and Role for Independent Study in Higher Education.
J.P. Leagans
"Communication Fidelity Between Farm Management Technicians and
Rice Farmers in the Philippines."
J.P. Leagans
The Agricultural Ladder After Nine Years.
V. McGaugh
"The Study of Some Selected Factors Which Influence the Clothing
Buying Patterns of the Teen-Age Boy."
V. McGaugh
"A Comparison of Reputational Techniques for Studying Community
M. Miller, L. Cushman, J. Elliot
Evaluation of Learning 100: An Adult Basic Education Project in Bedford-Stuyvesant,
M. Miller
Youth and the Establishment: A Report on Research for John D. Rockefeller,
III and the Task Force on Youth.
D. Stormer
"...And What Professors Think About Student Protests and Manners,
Morals, Politics and Chaos on the Campus."
D. Stormer
"A Survey of Family Life Education Programs for Adolescents in
Wisconsin University Extension Community Programs, 1968-1969."
D. Stormer
"A System Design Management for the Structuring and Simulation
of Selected Training Institutions."
C. Trent
"An Analysis of Factors Associated with Turnover of Male Kansas
Extension Agents."
C. Trent
Book Reviews (pdf)
Management and Organizational Behavior: A Multidimensional
Approach. Billy J. Hodge and Herbert J. Johnson. New York,
New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1970. 531 pp. $9.95.
Arthur E. Durfee
The New Cult of Efficiency and Education. H. Thomas
James. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1969.
65 pp. $2.95.
Edgar A. Reeves, Jr.
Politics and Social Structure. Talcott Parsons. New
York, New York: The Free Press, 1969. 557 pp. No price given
Emory J. Brown
Psychology of Adolescence. 7th ed. Luella Cole and
Irma Nelson Hall. New York, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc.,
1970. 669 pp. $9.95.
Donald Stormer
Theory and Practice of Social Planning. Alfred J.
Kahn. New York, New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1969. 348 pp. $8.95.
Linda J. Pipke, Glen M. Farrell
Abstracts (pdf)
The Arthur Godfrey Environment Reader. Arthur Godfrey,
ed. New York, New York: Ballantine Books, 1970. 266 pp. $0.95 (paper).
Behavior in New Environments: Adaptation of Migrant Populations.
Eugene B. Brody, ed. Beverly Hills, California: Sage Publications, Inc.,
1970. 479 pp. $14.50.
Contemporary Critics of Education. Howard Ozmon, ed.
Danville, Illinois: The Interstate Printers & Publishers, Inc., 1970.
223 pp. $3.95 (paper)
Continuing Education for the Professions. LeRoy Wm Nattress,
Jr., ed. Chicago, Illinois: Natresources, Inc., 1970. 151 pp. $4.00 (paper).
Drugs. Barbara Milbauer and Gerald Leinwand. New York,
New York: Washington Square Press, 1970. 190 pp. $0.75 (paper).
The Ecological Conscience: Values for Survival. Robert
Disch, ed. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1970. 206
pp. $5.95.
Education for What? Charles H. Monson, Jr., ed. Boston,
Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1970. 387 pp. $4.75 (paper).
Educational Investment in an Urban Society: Costs, Benefits,
and Public Policy. Melvin R. Levin and Alan Shank, eds. New York,
New York: Columbia University, Teachers College Press, 1970. 425 pp. $9.95
Handbook for Supervisors. 2nd ed. H. Paul Ecker, Vernon
Oullette, and John Macrae. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall,
Inc., 1970. 217 pp. $7.95.
Handbook of Adult Education. Robert M. Smith, George
F. Aker, and J.R. Kidd, eds. New York, New York: The Macmillian Company,
1970. 594 pp. $15.00
Handbook of Educational Research: A Guide to Methods and Materials.
Tyrus Hillway, Boston, Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1969.
117 pp. $2.25 (paper).
Literacy Education for Adoloscents and Adults: A Teacher's Resource
Book. Edwin H. Smith. San Francisco, California: Boyd and Fraser
Publishing Company, 1970. 161 pp. $5.00
Social Speculations: Visions for Our Time. Richard Kostelanetz,
ed. New York, New York: William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1971. 306 pp.
Strategies of Community Organization. Fred M. Cox, et
al., eds. Itasca, Illinois: F.E. Peacock Publishers, Inc., 1970.
393 pp. $5.95.
Timetable for Disaster. Don Widener. Los Angeles, California:
Nash Publishing, 1970. 277 pp. $6.95.
Idea Corner
Idea Corner (pdf)
Learning Leadership Through Interpersonal Experiences
Robert S. Frederick
Make Life Easier
Walter J.G. Carpenter
The Mailbox Teaching Machine
Fred C. Snyder
Dimensional Models: A Tool for Adult Educators
Penny Landvogt
J.P. Leagans
J.P. Leagans
J.P. Leagans
V. McGaugh
V. McGaugh
M. Miller, L. Cushman, J. Elliot
M. Miller
D. Stormer
D. Stormer
D. Stormer
C. Trent
C. Trent
Arthur E. Durfee
Edgar A. Reeves, Jr.
Emory J. Brown
Donald Stormer
Linda J. Pipke, Glen M. Farrell
Learning Leadership Through Interpersonal Experiences
Robert S. Frederick
Make Life Easier
Walter J.G. Carpenter
The Mailbox Teaching Machine
Fred C. Snyder
Dimensional Models: A Tool for Adult Educators
Penny Landvogt