Fall 1968 // Volume 6 // Number 3

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Feature Articles

What Does the Eye See--The Ear Hear? (pdf)
B. Eugene Griessman
The eye--it cannot choose but see; we cannot bid the ear be still; our bodies feel, where'er they be, against or with our will. --William Wordsworth

Farm Bargaining Problems and Prospects (pdf)
Denton E. Morrison
There are five requirements for the farmer's ideal bargaining situation, according to the author: no alternative supply for the buyer (processor, consumer), indefinite duration of buyer demand, strong farmer desire to bargain, willingness of both sides to negotiate, and legality of the bargaining process. The author discusses the problems involved in meeting these requirements in view of the farmer's present situation. He then suggests three ways to work toward these five ideal conditions.

On Generalizing Research Findings (pdf)
Edward W. Gassie
Is there a test that will assist supervisors in making employment decisions? Research conducted in Indiana indicates that the Adaptability Test may serve that purpose. Use of the test under seemingly similar circumstances in Louisiana produced different results. These differing results raise the questions: To what extent can applied research be generalized from one population to another? What constitutes "seemingly similar circumstances" for such research?

Inner City: The University's Challenge (pdf)
Stanley L. Jones
The Land-Grant College is characterized as not having fulfilled its original mission but, instead, of having triumphed in the field of farm technology. The author challenges the American university to use its resources to alleviate city conditions of tension, blight, and human decay- a challenge far greater than that faced in relation to agricultural technology. According to the author there are four things a university should and must do: (1) stop teaching students to distrust the city, (2) develop programs in urban affairs, (3) produce teachers with the knowledge and insight required to handle education in America's ghetto schools, and (4) use research resources to investigate causes of and solutions for present city problems.

Training as Perceived by 4-H Leaders (pdf)
Jimmy P. Johnson, Carlton R. Sollie
Volunteer adult 4-H leaders in Mississippi were asked to rank 25 training needs in order of importance. The top two needs chosen were (1) obtaining and keeping parent cooperation and (2) gaining information concerning awards. The importance leaders placed on these training needs was further examined in relation to three respondent characteristics: (1) number of training sessions attended, (2) number of years as a leader, and (3) race. A different ranking of needs resulted from each examination.

A Two-Pronged Attempt at Change (pdf)
Anne D. Harvey, Richard Franklin
Can two urgently needed prongs of development-staff training and community leader training-be successfully handled together? These authors say yes. They discuss one application of this dual training: a workshop on community problems (communication between classes, decision making, etc.) held in an Appalachian county. They believe staff and community-leader reactions from this one workshop may indicate that this training method can be effective in aiding disadvantaged communities. This method includes: (1) isolating the workshop site from the community, (2) having a representative socioeconomic mix of participants, (3) providing for unstructured discussions, and (4) presenting structured situations for analysis.

Book Reviews (pdf)

The Effective Executive. By Peter Drucker, 1967. Available from Harper and Row, Publishers, New York, N.Y. 10016. 174 pp. $4.95
James H. Camp

Problems of Youth. Edited by Muzafer Sherif and Carolyn Sherif. 1965. Available from Aldine Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois 60606. 329 pp. $8.95.
Donald A. Harter

Introducing Culture. By Ernest L. Scusky and T. Patrick Culbert, 1967. Available from Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. 152 pp. $2.95 paperback.
Thomas H. Henderson

Point of View

Point of View(pdf)
Geoffrey Moss
G. L. Carter, Jr.
Geoffrey Moss
Robert Stodola
Albert A. LaPlante
Stanley M. Grabowski
Doug Warnock

Abstracts (pdf)

On Behalf of Adult Education: A Historical Examination of the Supporting Literature. Webster E. Cotton. 1968. 82 pp. Available from the Center for the Study of Liberal Education for Adults, 183 Mountfort St., Brookline, Massachusetts 02146. $1.75.

Teacher Education in Agriculture. Edited by V. R. Cardozier. 1967. 376 pp. Available from The Interstate Printers & Publishers Inc., Danville, Illinois 61832. $4.00.

Across the Tracks: Mexican-Americans in a Texas City. Arthur J. Rubel. 1966. 266 pp. Available from University of Texas Press, Austin Texas 78712. $6.50.

Youth Education: Problems/Perspectives/Promises. Edited by Raymond H. Muessig. 1968. 144 pp. Available from Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, NEA, 1201 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. $5.50.

Personality in Culture. John J. Honigmann. 1967. 496 pp. Available from Harper & Row, Publishers, New York, N.Y. 10016. $11.50.

Methods of Organizational Research. Edited by Victor H. Vroom. 1967. 212 p. Available from University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213. $3.95.

The Teaching-Learning Process. James L. Kuethe. 1968. 162 pp. Available from Scott, Foresman and Company, Glenview, Illinois 60025. $4.25 ($2.25 paperback).

Evaluation in Education. Ray C. Phillips. 1968. 122 pp. Available from Charles E. Merrill Books, Inc., Columbus, Ohio 43216. $1.75.

Perspectives in Developmental Change. Edited by Art Gallaher, Jr. 1968. 264 pp. Available from University of Kentucky Press, Lexington, Kentucky 40506. $8.50.

Meeting Management. Henry L. Ewbank, Jr. 1968. 110 pp. Available from Wm. C. Brown Company Publishers, Dubuque, Iowa 52001. $1.50.

Creative Teaching of Science in Elementary School. Albert Piltz and Robert Sund. 1968. 218 pp. Available from Allyn and Bacon, Boston, Massachusetts 02111. $5.30.

It's Happening-A Portrait of the Youth Scene Today. J. L. Simmons and Barry Winograd. 1967. 174 pp. Available from Marc-Laird Publications, 3933 Maricopa Drive, Santa Barbara, California 93105. $1.95.

Concepts and Generalizations: Their Place in High School Home Economics Curriculum Development. 1967. 63 pp. Available from American Home Economics Association, 1600 Twentieth St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009. $2.00.

Making Dependable Use of Published Research: A Proposed Check List. J. M. Stephens. The Journal of Educational Research, LXI (November, 1967), 99-104. Available from Dembar Educational Research Services, Inc., Box 1605, Madison, Wisconsin 53701. Single copy $1.00.

Processes of Personal Developing in Adolescence. Herman J. Peters. Adolescence, II (Winter, 1967/68), 435-44. Available from Libra Publishers, Inc., 1133 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10010. Single copy $3.00.

Methods of Research in Education. John E. Wise, Robert B. Nordberg, and Donald J. Reitz. 1967. 216 pp. Available from D. C. Health and Company, Boston, Massachusetts 02116. $3.50.

Theory into Practice, IV (April, 1967). 100 pp. Available from 249 Arps Hall, 1945 High St., Columbus, Ohio 43210. Single copy $1.00.

Interaction Among Generations. Bernice Milburn Moore. Journal of Home Economics, LIX (October, 1967), 621-28. Available from the American Home Economics Association, 1600 Twentieth St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20009. Single copy $1.00.

Elementary School Science: A Guide to Current Research. Maxine Dunfee. 1967. 78 pp. Available from the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, NEA, Washington, D.C. 20036. $2.25.

Participation of Adults in Education: A Force-Field Analysis. Harry L. Miller. 1967. 32 pp. Available from the Center for the Study of Liberal Education for Adults, 138 Mountfort St., Brookline, Massachusetts 02146. $0.75.

Program Planning for Adults as Learners. Malcolm S. Knowles. Adult Leadership, XV (February, 1967), 267-68+. Available from Adult Education Association of the U.S.A., 1225 Nineteenth St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. $7.50 per year domestic.

Bibliography on the Diffusion of Innovations. Everett M. Rogers. July, 1967. 144 pp. Available as "Diffusion of Innovations Research Report No. 6" from Department of Communication, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48823.

Nebraska Symposium on Motivation. Edited by David Levine. 1966. 210 pp. Available from University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, Nebraska. $5.95 ($2.75 paperback).

Change in the Small Community. Edited by William J. Gore and Leroy C. Hodapp. 1967. 222 pp. Available from Friendship Press, New York, N.Y. 10027. $2.50.

In Common Predicament. Muzafer Sherif. 1966. 192 pp. Available from Houghton Mifflin Co., 110 Tremont St., Boston, Massachusetts 02108. $4.95.

The Achieving Society. David C. McClelland. Paperback edition, 1967. 512 pp. Available from The Free Press, 60th Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. $2.95.

Studies in Cognitive Growth. Jerome S. Bruner et al. 1966, 343 pp. Available from John Wiley & Sons, 605 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. $7.95.

Psychological Concepts in Education. Edited by B. Paul Komisar and C.B.J. Macmillan. 1967. 264 pp. Available from Rand McNally & Co., Chicago, Illinois. $6.00 ($3.95 paperback).

Teaching Power. Calvin E. Harbin. 1967. 182 pp. Available from Philosophical Library, Inc., 15 East 40th St., New York, N.Y. 10016. $4.95.