Summer 1967 // Volume 5 // Number 2

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Point of View

Point of View(pdf)
Personal Plateauing
Stephen Habbe
"Gaps" in Journal's Contents?
Warren L. Prawl
Dear Mr. Prawl:
G.L. Carter, Jr.
Occupational Choices
C. Hoyt Webb
The Agent's Role
N. John Hansen

Feature Articles

Who is a Professional? (pdf)
Helen G. Hurd
There is a tendency to label all white-collar workers "professionals." But if everyone is a professional, the term loses its meaning. Maintaining that extension work per se is not a profession, the author discusses what a profession is and lists characteristics of the real professional-the attributes that distinguish him from the technician. Suggestions are presented as to how extension workers can become more effective as professional adult educators.

Expressed Family Needs (pdf)
Charles A. Ibsen, Manuel Alers-Montalvo
Many new problems Extension agents must deal with are, in general, results of changes in society. As an "educator in the field," the Extension worker must be aware of and able to anticipate the nature and direction of change in the American family. Data gathered in a survey of the expressed needs of Colorado housewives indicate that although Extension programming is meeting some of the educational needs of families, other needs are not being met. To decrease this "gap" in programming, the agent must be aware of the effect of social change on family life in his area and be creative in his programming efforts.

Search for Consistency (pdf)
Jack C. Everly
Some people actively seek information while others avoid it or seem indifferent. According to a current psychological theory, the need for information is related to a person's search for consistency in his life with regard to his perceptions, beliefs, attitudes, and actions. By understanding this search for consistency, Extension personnel will be better able to meet their clients' need for information. The author gives hypothetical examples to illustrate research findings regarding a person's active search for information, his need for certain facts, and his avoidance of some information.

Evaluating the Unit Approach: FHD (pdf)
Ralph E. Mayer, Robert E. Rieck
For most efficient use of staff time, should Extension personnel work with clientele on an individual basis or through large meetings and mass media? The Farm and Home Development program (FHD) utilizes a "family unit" or personal contact type approach to teaching management education to farm families. This report describes procedures used and results attained during the first 10 years of FHD in Wisconsin. Evaluation is made of results attained through use of small group teaching and intensive person-to-person contacts.

Misuse of Group Discussion (pdf)
John T. Woeste
Four factors are proposed as basic to any decision about the selection of a teaching technique: group-member interdependence, time available, previous experience (in groups and with content), and the learning objective to be achieved. It is maintained that other factors, such as group size and teacher experience, can be evaluated after these four "basic" posed factors can be used in deciding whether to use group discussion or some other teaching technique.

A Basis for Change (pdf)
Robert W. Mccormick
Extension workers think of themselves as "change agents." But if they are to remain effective agents of change, they must be inquirers as well as evangelists; they must recognize the importance of educational research in their roles as educators. Such research will significantly influence their future professional lives. Research related to Extension education will certainly increase. As new findings develop into usable innovations, Extension workers must understand and appreciate this research in order to make the innovation operational. The author discusses the importance of educational research and its implications for Extension.

Research in Brief (pdf)
Mason E. Miller, editor

Farm Open House?
I'm Better Than You Vs. Everyone Wins!
Attitudes toward Anti-Poverty Programs
Conference Anxiety

Book Reviews (pdf)

Work and the Nature of Man. By Frederick Herzberg, 1966. Available from The World Publishing Company, 2231 West 110 St., Cleveland, Ohio 44102. 203 pp. $4.50.
Laverne Forest

Human Behavior in Organizations. By Leonard R. Sayles and George Strauss, 1966. Available from Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. 500 pp. $8.95.
James W. Matthews

Leadership and the Power of Ideas. By Martin Tarcher, 1966. Available from Harper & Row, Publishers, New York, N.Y. 10016. 187 pp. $5.95.
Fred Hagelstein

Communication and Public Relations. By Edward J. Robinson, 1966. Available from Charles E. Merrill Books, Inc., Columbus, Ohio. 618 pp. $12.65 (text edition $9.50).
Harold B. Swanson

Abstracts (pdf)

Group Process Applied to the Teaching of Adults: A Guide. James G. Cooper and Dan E. Ficek. 1966. 21 pp. (mimeographed). Available from the College of Education, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico

An Introduction to the Foundations of Education. Edited by Edward J. Nussel and Charles W. Sprandel. 1966. 306 pp. Available from Wm. C. Brown Co. Publishers, Dubuque, Iowa. $5.00.

Adult Drop-Outs. W. E. Mann. Continuous Learning, V (March-April, 1966), 55-65, and V(May-June, 1966), 127-43. Available from the Canadian Association for Adult Education, Sultan Street 21-23, Toronto 5, Canada. Single copy $0.60.

The Social Psychology of Organizations. Daniel Katz and Robert L. Kahn. 1966. 498 pp. Available from John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. $8.50.

Poverty Programs and Social Mobility. Harold F. Kaufman, Kenneth P. Wilkinson, and Lucy W. Cole. 1966. 61 pp. Available as Preliminary Report No. 13 from Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State University, State College, Mississippi. No charge.

Questionnaire Design and Attitude Measurement. A. N. Oppenheim. 1966. 298 pp. Available from Basic Books, Publishers, New York, N.Y. 10016. $5.95.

The Speaker Will Answer Questions. David S. Brown. Adult Leadership, XV (June, 1966), 39-40+. Available from Adult Education Association of the U.S.A., 1225 19th Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. $7.50 per year domestic.

Time to Teach: Action Report. Department of Classroom Teachers, National Education Association. 1966. 276 pp. Available from National Education Association, Washington, D.C. 20036. $3.00 (paper).

Contributions of a Framework of Home Management to the Teaching of Family Relationships. Beatrice Paolucci. Journal of Marriage and the Family, XXVIII (August, 1966), 338-42. Available from The National Council on Family Relations, 1219 University Ave., S.E., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414. Single copy $3.00.

Curriculum Improvement and Innovation. Edited by W. T. Martin and Dan C. Pinck. 1966. 292 pp. Available from Robert Bentley, Inc., 872 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139. $8.95.

The Development of Human Resources. Eli Ginzberg. 1966. 299 pp. Available from McGraw-Hill Book Company, 330 West 42nd St., New York, N.Y. 10036. $3.95 (paper).

Six Mistaken Meanings of Democratic Administration. Francis Griffith. Phi Delta Kannpan, XLVIII (October, 1966), 59-61. Available from Phi Delta Kappa, Eighth St. and Union Ave., Bloomington, Indiana 47401. Single copy $0.60.

Curriculum Change: Direction and Process. Edited by Robert R. Leeper. 1966. 60 pp. Available from Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, NEA, 1201 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. $2.00.

Growing Up in River City. Robert J. Havighurst et al. 1966. 190 pp. Available from John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. $1.45.

Graduate Research in Adult Education at Florida State University, 1950-1966. Compiled by W. L. Carpenter and Sudarshan Kapoor under the direction of George F. Aker. 1966. 80 pp. Available from Department of Adult and Continuing Education, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida.

Developmental Tasks and Adult Education. David Smith. Continuous Learning, V (July-August, 1966), 179-82. Available from Canadian Association for Adult Education, Sultan Street 21-23, Toronto 5, Canada. Single copy $0.60.

Competencies Needed by Training Directors. Blake S. Root and R. Ray Roberts. Training and Development Journal, XX (June, 1966), 2-13. Available from ASTD Executive Director, 313 Price Place, P.O. Box 5307, Madison, Wisconsin 53705. Single copy $1.00.

Women Moving Ahead. Alice Y. Scates. American Education, II (March, 1966), 1-4. Available from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. $4.50 per year, domestic.

Language for Teaching. Hunter Diack. 1966. 184 pp. Available from Philosophical Library, Inc., 15 East 40th St., New York, N.Y. 10016. $4.75.

Professionalization. Edited by Howard M. Vollmer and Donald L. Mills. 1966. 365 pp. Available from Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. $7.50.

Perspectives on the American Community: A Book of Readings. Edited by Roland L. Warren. 1966. 618 pp. Available from Rand McNally & Co., Chicago, Illinois. $6.50 (paperback).

Introduction to Education: Fundamental Principles and Modern Practices. Lester D. Crow and Alice Crow. 1966 (second edition). 566 pp. Available from American Book Company, 55 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10003. $6.25.