May 1981 // Volume 19 // Number 3
Editor's Page
Feature Articles
National Evaluation of Extension: Issues and Opportunities (pdf)
Maynard C. Heckel
From his perception as its co-director, Heckel describes the national evaluation--its dynamics, the issues it raises, and the opportunities it presents.
Energized Education in the 80s (pdf)
Ann E. Thompson and George T. Blume
Four E's will influence Extension's future--economy, energy, environment, and electronics.
Delphi: A Program Planning Technique (pdf)
John G. Gross
The Delphi Technique is an energy and time-saving process that can effectively be used in Extension long-range planning.
Expanding Urban Programming (pdf)
Benjamin H. Yep
TTo expand Extension programming in urban areas, it's necessary to understand and adapt to its unique environment.
The Elderly: A Priority Clientele (pdf)
Curtis Trent
Extension has the competence to meet the unique educational needs of the elderly--a growing target population group.
Humans at the Center (pdf)
Donovan Russell
A sharing of international experiences with implications for the future.
Developing Responsible Citizens (pdf)
Richard W. Hill
Suggestions for Extension 4-H youth programming to enham the development of responsible persons.
Thinking Globally, Acting Locally (pdf)
Emily S. Wiggins and Joyce H. Jenkins
Trends, goals, and challenges for Extension home economics.
Responses to Heckel (pdf)
Several authors
Nine national Extension leaders respond individually and independently to the Heckel article.
Idea Corner
Power to the People (pdf)
Robert H. Flashman, Sam Quick, Margaret Jeffiers, and Harold G. Love
Tools of the Trade